Welcome our new Priest-in-Charge, the Rev. Mary Beth Mills-Curran
A message from our new Priest-in Charge, the Rev. Mary Beth Mills-Curran.
Grace and peace to you from the north shore of Long Island, New York. I’m so honored to be joining you in New Hampshire this fall as your Priest-in-Charge. It has been a delight to engage in discernment with your search committee and vestry over the past few months. Their prayerful presence and process delighted me and drew me in. I can’t wait to see what the Holy Spirit will draw us into as we get to know one another this year!
I know you have been through a long season of transition, and it’s so encouraging to see the way your leaders have pulled together. You’ve also had excellent clergy accompaniment in Rev. Jo and Rev. Jay. I’ll be with you in early September. In the meantime, I pray that you enjoy your summer! I fee so blessed that church is my job. It’s a real joy to spend time getting to know one another and God more deeply. I am confident that God has good things in store for us. I’ll see you in September!
Peace and Joy,
Mary Beth+
About Rev. Mary Beth
The Rev. Mary Beth Mills-Curran was ordained to the priesthood in 2019. She has spent her first five years of priestly ministry at St. John’s Episcopal Church, in Cold Spring Harbor, New York – part of the Diocese of Long Island. Before ordination, Rev. Mary Beth worked for five years as a lay professional for Episcopal City Mission, in the Diocese of Massachusetts. She earned her M.Div. at Yale Divinity School. Her undergraduate education was at Wellesley College, where she majored in Physics. After college she spent three years in a PhD program for Political Science at M.I.T., where she began to discern a call to ministry.
Rev. Mary Beth comes to St. Peter’s with a passion for intergenerational ministry and the environment. Her own spirituality has been informed by the Anglican monastic tradition, Ignatian spiritual practices and community organizing. She’s an amateur historian of the Episcopal Church. In her free time she’s always working on a new project, including watercolor painting, drafting patterns for clergy clothing, tinkering with antique machines and gardening. She joins St. Peter’s with her three-year-old Whippet, Phoebe.